Zum Jahresübergang am Donnerstag, dem 30.12.2021 um 20 Uhr laden wir alle interessierten Musikerinnen und Musiker zu einem besonderen Improvisations-Workshop ein. Viele wissen sicherlich, dass unser „Cheffe“, alias Wolfgang Meyer regelmäßig im Duo „Shawn & the Wolf“ konzertiert. Sein aus Kanada stammender Duopartner, der Posaunist Shawn Grocott, veröffentlicht nun erstmalig auf der Telegram-Plattform im Kanal „l’avenue d’improvisation“ viele interessante Tipps und Tricks zur Improvisation auf dem Musikinstrument. In diesem Kanal geht es nicht nur um das Improvisieren auf der Posaune, sondern viele Ansätze sind auch auf andere Instrumente übertragbar.
Haben Sie Interesse in die Welt der Improvisation einzusteigen? Am nächsten Donnerstag ist es soweit. Völlig kostenlos und ohne weitere Verpflichtungen. Eine formlose E-Mail an shawn.grocott@posteo.net genügt, und Sie erhalten alle weiteren Infos im Handumdrehen.
Ach, da haben wir noch eine Kleinigkeit vergessen: Etwas Englischkenntnisse wäre vorteilhaft, denn der Workshop läuft international in englischer Sprache.
Haben wir Ihr Interesse geweckt? Hier einige Informationen in der folgenden Audiodatei. Ton ab!
Discovering Improvisation – Between the years
Imagine the freedom of playing or singing anything you would like to. Imagine the
feeling of creating your own music and not being limited to performing music that
others have written. Imagine yourself improvising.
Improvisation is a mystery for many people. Most of us have learned to play music by
reading it and have never had or taken the opportunity to learn to improvise. This is
funny, as our daily lives are filled with acts of improvisation. We constantly make
plans and then change them, in order to accomplish the things we want to.
Driving a car is an act of improvisation. You act and react in an ever-changing
environment, constantly making decisions to get you where you want to go. Musical
improvisation is essentially the same; only, we act and react in an ever-changing
musical environment, making decisions about where we want to go, musically.
So why don‘t we all improvise, if its something that actually comes naturally to us?
Probably, most of us didn‘t come into contact with improvisation until we became
quite advanced on our instrument or with our voice. By that time it felt strange to play
anything that we couldn‘t read first and if we tried, we probably felt quite insecure.
So, how do we start improvising, now? We are often hindered by our uncertainty of
what to play. This is completely understandable! When starting to improvise, we are
taking steps in totally unknown territory. It’s ok to be afraid, but you don‘t have to be,
if you have some good tools. I would love to share some good tools with you.
On the 30th of December of this year, I will be presenting an online event called,
„Discovering improvisation – between the years“. This event is open to all musicians
and will get you on your way to improvising, providing an easy introduction to a very
enjoyable and rewarding endeavor, and all in the comfort of your own home or
I‘m very much looking forward to this session and the opportunity to introduce you to
your improvising self! I hope to see you there!
Sign up for this free event by sending an e-mail to: shawn.grocott@posteo.net. The
event will take place on the Zoom platform. You will receive details for entry after
signing up. For the event you will need to access YouTube and for best results you
should use headphones or ear-pods.
Short Bio
Shawn Grocott is a Canadian trombonist who has lived in Germany for the past 20
years. As a freelance musician he has performed with many professional orchestras
and chamber music ensembles and has also performed with various contemporarymusic
and jazz groups as well as leading many of his own musical projects. Presently,
he holds the position of instructor for jazz trombone, free improvisation, combo and
big band at the Hochschule für Musik in Detmold, Germany and has done since
2009. Shawn Grocott is a Conn-Selmer artist and performs on the Conn 88H, Conn
72H and Vincent Bach 12 trombones. He curates the online forum for improvised
music, „l’avenue d’improvisation“, on the Telegram platform and is presently on
sabbatical, furthering his understanding and approach to performing and teaching
improvised music-making.